Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy
Experience the most luxurious deep tissue massage on the planet!
Using specific cross-tissue/deep strokes, fully trained Myofascial Advanced Certified Rolf Practitioner Shari MacCallum Clark concentrates on all layers of muscle that have become depleted of their normal blood supply and lymphatic flow.
More than a massage ….Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy combined with smooth, flowing and continuous pressure like that of traditional Swedish massage is perfect for the AVERAGE hard working person who suffers from chronic back pain, scoliosis or bulging herniated disc problems.
Ashiasu Oriental Bar Massage
Barefoot Shiatsu is an ancient form of bodywork brought to us through Buddhists monks, first from China and then from Thailand and Japan. Very deep soothing strokes are applied to all muscles of the back using hands and foot pressure to milk the muscles, open chakras and release toxins. This treatment is guaranteed to induce deep relaxation, relieve tight inflammation and stimulate the body’s own self-healing capabilities. This treatment is like no other in Colorado.
Ashiatsu literally means foot pressure (ashi=foot, atsu=pressure) in Japanese, and is a massage technique adapted from an ancient Japanese form of barefoot massage, whereby the therapist applies pressure to the client’s back with soft, clean feet using long, gliding strokes and gentle, but firm pressure. Ashiatsu therapy techniques now also make use of knees, elbows, palms and fingers where necessary and appropriate.

For information, directions or to schedule and appointment:
Shari MacCallum Clark303-870-1400